Does This Sound Like You?
Fear of being in public situations
Constantly worrying about humiliating yourself
Extreme fear of speaking to strangers
Fear that others will notice that you look anxious
Avoiding going out in public or speaking to people out of fear of embarrassment
Avoiding situations where you might be the center of attention
Having anxious anticipation of an upcoming event
Tolerating social situations with intense fear or anxiety
Overthinking about a social situation and analyzing your behavior after the event occurred
Always expecting a horrible consequence or a negative outcome from social situations
I have been battling my shyness and social anxiety for most of my life. I put this website up to document it and help other people who are researching to find a solution. As a teenager I constantly felt alone, hopeless and ashamed because I did not want to continue leading a life with so much social anxiety. I could not understand why I felt so shy for no reason and I felt embarrassed to tell anyone in my family how I was feeling. I continued to feel this way until my freshman year in college. I realized then that I had to do something about my social anxiety when I couldn't find the courage to do presentations in front of a classroom. After receiving my syllabus for each of my classes, I analyzed every single one them and I looked to see if any of the courses involved doing presentations in front of the classroom. I dropped several classes due to this, and I tried to substitute those classes with online classes, but I soon realized online classes were not a learning style for me. My grades online dropped significantly and I felt more anxious than ever; I knew this would have been avoided if only I had the courage to overcome my social anxiety. After doing some research online, I came across a video by Sean Cooper which ultimately was the beginning of a better life for me. The video described exactly how I was feeling and since Cooper had overcame his shyness, I figured joining his program did not hurt to try since it was money-back guaranteed.